Monday, December 26, 2016

Poem of the day

A great one from Austin Smith (of whom I've never heard) via Poetry Daily ( today:

The Capacity of Speech

It is easy to be decent to speechless things.
To hang houses for the purple martins
To nest in. To bed down the horses under
The great white wing of the year's first snow.
To ensure the dog and cat are comfortable.
To set out suet for the backyard birds.
To put the poorly-shot, wounded deer down.
To nurse its orphaned fawn until its spots
Are gone. To sweep the spider into the glass
And tap it out into the grass. To blow out
The candle and save the moth from flame.
To trap the black bear and set it free.
To throw the thrashing brook trout back.
How easy it is to be decent
To things that lack the capacity of speech,
To feed and shelter whatever will never
Beg us or thank us or make us ashamed.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Round Two!

The Blame Game made it to ROUND TWO of the New Wrinkle Publishing 2016 Writer's Contest! Woohoo!

We'll see if my four-chapter sample makes the next cut...