Saturday, September 2, 2017

A picture worth thousands of words

I don't know if this ever happens to you, in some fashion, but sometimes I'll see a photo — or snap one, in my mind, of a scene before me — and think, 'that belongs in my writing somewhere.' My whole 2015 NaNoWriMo novel started in 2012 with the image of a youngish guy in a white T-shirt driving an old red truck down a rainy Canadian highway. We hadn't seen anything but semis for hours and even those had been going by less frequently when I saw him. I don't even know anymore if it WAS a young guy in a white shirt, but I that's how I remember it, that's what fed the idea. I immediately wondered who he was and where he was going, all by himself in the middle of nowhere.

Today, a distant photographer friend of mine (shout out to @sarahjchaput) posted a picture on Instagram that reminded me of this moment :)

A post shared by Sarah Chaput de Saintonge (@sarahjchaput) on

So, how do you gain/use inspiration?

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