Monday, February 10, 2014

Day 1

...of my last semester of college. First assignment, for my English senior seminar? Read this article.

I don't think I've ever been a fan of Sherman Alexie. Maybe I thought he was semi-interesting on occasion. Then I read this article. This section in particular stood out to me:

"I think every writer stands in the doorway of their prison. Half in, half out. The very act of storytelling is a return to the prison of what torments us and keeps us captive, and writers are repeat offenders. You go through this whole journey with your prison, revisiting it in your mind. Hopefully, you get to a point when you realize there was beauty in your prison, too. Maybe, when you get to that point, 'I’m on the reservation of my mind' can also be a beautiful thing."

YES. This is exactly what we as writers need to hear. We don't all have an "a-ha" moment for life's big questions. We don't all get a letter and fifty bucks from our favorite poet or author to encourage us in our artistic endeavors. But we all have dreams, and we can get inspired by stories like this. You may think you need that push, a push that huge — you don't. This or that story isn't yours, but you do have a story.

So write it, in any way you can.

Professor Lee: +1
Stereotypically-boring-but-easy-so-you-can-relax Senior Year: 0.

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