Tuesday, August 29, 2017

'Hide and Seek'

Do you know that Imogen Heap song Jason Derulo sampled, made famous by, I don't know, the internet and whatnot? Well, the other day I entered one of those weird Twilight Zones of memory and couldn't decide if I had actually heard the original song or just listened to it so hard this time it sounded familiar...but when a choral version of it showed up in my YouTube queue, I (re)discovered the first iteration and damn was it powerful. "Hauntingly beautiful," reviewers called it, and I cannot think of a more accurate description. I just know as soon as I heard that first line I was spellbound, and could see a scene from one of my novels playing out to it perfectly. It's a novel that started in bits and pieces one October, I think, not even in an attempt at NaNoWriMo. It's still stuck halfway in the idea phase, I think, but when I heard that song I thought, this story has to be a reality. If it could become a movie, even better!  I saw a flash of a scene I haven't written, in slo-mo, perfectly fitted to that song. And then I slipped into that mindset again that maybe I should be a screenwriter instead...

But for now, I guess I'm just a dreamer.

Anyway, for your listening enjoyment, Imogen Heap (that's her real name! I didn't know):

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